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Creativity & Innovation, Embracing Change!


CHANGE? But, why? Instead, ‘Why not?’ It is resistance or acceptance that decides whether to be stagnant and stay put or to embrace change and move on. The biggest stumbling block is the attitude of ‘Oh, no! Change! No, not again! It’s all in the mind of how one sees change. However much one tries to resist change, it is inevitable that the world WILL move on. So, either be prepared to remain where you are or to evolve with changing times and move along.
Innovation and creativity are the words that get around the most in the present world. Creativity is centered on original thoughts and knowledge, which unleashes innate potential, an integral part of idea generation. Innovation on the other hand is used to turn creative ideas into visible and viable solutions. Baked into innovation, are creativity and adaptability.
At school, creativity plays a crucial role in empowering students to THINK innovatively and adapt to changing environments. Yes, adaptability is the word! It fosters curiosity, resilience, and a growth mindset, preparing students to thrive in an ever-evolving world. Young minds are very receptive and adaptive. Tapping at the right spot, at the right time and in the right manner generates unfathomable innovative and creative possibilities of welcome change for the better. Every change, whether minor or major, brings along with it valuable lessons and possibilities for growth, provided we are willing to accept and adapt. Rather than resisting,
adopt a growth mindset and view it as a chance to learn, evolve and become an even better person of one’s own self.
Remember, ‘CHANGE’ is not an enemy, but a catalyst which enhances personal transformation and empowerment. So, why think twice, and be unsure? Take the bold step forward, embrace change, harness your inner strength, and let out the immense potential within you. Embrace CHANGE – Cope, Harness, Adapt, Navigate, Grow, Evolve. That’s the only way to survive in the future world! Why not give it a try and see the magic unravel.