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Assembly Gr.3B - Nature


Nature provokes children into thinking, actioning, and formulating their own ideas. The morning assembly by the students of Gr.3B was all about ‘Nature’. Children are always fascinated by the wonders of nature! The Third Graders had plenty to talk about; ‘The goal of life is, living in agreement with nature’, ‘Nature is not a place to visit. It is home’, ‘When you are looking for peace, nature is always the answer’! Such lovely messages from our young students. When children are involved in experiences with nature, they are absorbed and completely attentive to what is at hand. Nature connectedness was what they implied through their lovely assembly. When depicting nature, automatically it is related with the color ‘green’, representing the flora. Green it was before and green it should remain in the future, for that is the dream of our children. A very refreshing assembly, dear students.