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KG Sports Fiesta 2024, Future Olympians in the Making!


KG Sports Fiesta 2024, Future Olympians in the Making! A beautiful Thursday morning, 5th December 2024. The school ground had a sportive look decked in colours Red, Blue, Yellow, and Green, the colours of the four Houses. Our little kindergarteners, all so eager, were all set for their Sports Fiesta. The announcements began. The UAE National Anthem, followed by the Quran Recitation set the day’s tone. Our Principal, Mr. Muneer Chalil welcomed the gathering. The March Past of little ‘Sporting Stars’, was a lovely sight to behold! Little hands carried the Olympic Torch, keeping the fire of sportsmanship ignited. The Principal, led the students in the oath taking, after which he declared the Sports Fiesta open. The mass drill by the KG1 students was a spectacular sight, with the kids performing to the rhythm of music. It was then, on with the skill races of KG1. What a variety of fun races, all aimed at inculcating sporting skills in the little ones. The KG2 students too had their mass drill, moving to energizing beats followed by their fun races. The adorable little ones were all out to impress the spectators. Parents too had their fair share of fun games. For the little ones, it was not just the winning aspect of these races; it was sheer joy of participation through fun and skill play. 3 cheers for the little ones as well as for their teachers who trained them. The prizes were distributed as the little winners proudly perched upon the victory stand! In kindergarten, every child is perceived as a winner. The confidence with which he / she participates itself, is the winning aspect. The spirit inculcated in these young minds, to nurture their upcoming sportsman spirit. The Sports Day culminated with words of ‘Thanks’. It was an unforgettable day of laughter, excitement, and pure joy!