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Music Talent Show


Talent is a marked innate ability or aptitude. Every individual is endowed with some talent or other which must be identified and honed. Individuals termed as having inherent musical talent are those who easily understand music concepts and take up to music with ease. Here at our school, it was a display of various musical talents during the Music Talent Show which was conducted. It was indeed quite soothing to the ears, to hear our students sing individually and in groups as well as students playing the musical instruments. By way of regular singing and playing a musical instrument it happens at its own pace, but when it is a competition, the musical spirit gains momentum and hype. That was what was seen at school, where each participant(s) performed his / her / their best, one better than the other! Our comperes took the show through, with their apt announcements and fillers. Wonderful performance by our talented students. The audience was enthralled with each rendition. The judges of the competition were our own talented staff and our Quality Head. The competitors gave the judges quite a tough time! All our young maestros were well appreciated by the judges, as each one’s unique style made the competition a great one. Well done dear students. These are just the initial steps that will enable you to traverse into the world of music. Keep going!